Eröffnung 17.7.2024 um 19h
Samstag, 29 Juni 2024, 19:00 Uhr
im Gewerbepark Pischelsdorf 85,
Kulturstock 3 (3.Stock)
21 June 2024 till 31 August 2024, at the Savaria Museum, Szombathely
with Georg Enzinger
VERNISSAGE am Samstag, 09. September 2023, 19:00 Uhr im Gewerbepark Pischelsdorf, Kulturstock.
6th Edition
The Textile Art International Triennial TexpoART is sponsored by the National
University of Arts ”George Enescu” and the Union of Visual Artists in Romania and will
take place between 10 and 30 May 2023 in the Art Galleries ”Victoria” and ”Theodor
Pallady” of the U.A.P.R – Iași and the ”Aparte” Gallery of
U.N.A.G.E. Iași.
Busto Arsizio (Milan, IT)
xsproject, PN (IT)
Bergamo (IT)
von der Entstehung des Lebens bis zur Entwicklung des Menschen
K3 Kulturverein Kulm, Pischelsdorf (A)
September, 10th - 15th 2022
K3 Kulturverein Kulm, Pischelsdorf (A)
July, 2nd-17th, 2022
Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia is organised by Gdynia City Museum every three year for
professional artists from Poland and abroad.
The Competition is organised as a review of contemporary practice in the field of textile miniatures made in various techniques in order to select the best 50 works and present them at a
post-competition exhibition at Gdynia City Museum.
October 15th 2022 - January 2023
Villa Olmo, Como (IT)
off_gallery graz, Griesgasse 31, 8020 Graz (A)
space03 (A),Künstlerische Fotografie aus der Steiermark
Kurator: Gerhard Gross, Kulturvermittlung Steiermark
Altes Kino Leibnitz
Savaria Museum/Art Gallery Szombathely (H)
KULM Pischelsdorf (A)
K3 Kulturverein KULM Pischelsdorf (A)
Gewerbepark, Kulturstock 3, Pischelsdorf
Art Gallery "Arka", Lithuanian Artists`Association,
Vilnius, Lithuania.
time value - 11th International Biennial of Textile Miniatures MEASURE, 2019 Art Gallery Arka, Lithuanian Artists`Association, Vilnius (Lt) steel, polyester, perlon, MDF
K3, Kulturverein KULM, Pischelsdorf (A),
with Georg Enzinger (A)
9th international exhibition of contemporary mini textile art 2019
international exhibition of contemporary micro textile art
130 artists from Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Canada, Chile, China, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Great Britain, Hungary, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Japan, Lithuania, Mexico, The Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Poland, Romania, Serbia, South Korea, Spain, Switzerland, Taiwan, Turkey, Ukraine, Uruguay, USA.
Gdynia City Muzeum, Poland
The Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia competition has been held in Gdynia since 1993. Over the course of 25 years, we have seen works by artists from all over the globe, including Europe, Asia, North and South America and Australia. The review was initiated and launched by the Gdynia-based artist Aleksandra Bibrowicz-Sikorska.
The exhibition features 50 textile miniatures selected by the jury of the 11th Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia competition from among 324 works submitted by 155 artists. This year’s GRAND PRIX of Mayor of Gdynia was awarded to Ieva Krūmiņa (Latvia) for her miniature Private Endlessness. The two equivalent Prizes of the Marshal of the Pomeranian Voivodeship were awarded to Myriam Dion (Canada) for her Procession of Faith and Magdalena Soboń (Poland) for her Timeless drawings 2. The Gdynia City Museum Prize went to Baiba Osīte (Latvia) for Water Lilies. The jury also awarded four distinctions to Marijke Leertouwer (the Netherlands), Sue Stone (UK), Elizabeth Pien (Denmark) and Gertraud Enzinger (Austria).
The competition guidelines gave the artists a high degree of freedom when choosing their topics. However, there were several recurring themes and intersections which helped us connect works by artists from different places and allow them to enter into dialogue. At the 11th Baltic Mini Textile Gdynia competition, the artists frequently turned their attention towards the same fabric by exploring its limits; alternatively they posed questions about the world and what lies beyond it – what is material and nonmaterial, or physical and metaphysical. With this in mind, we organised the artworks into the following thematic blocks: Textile References, Crossing the Boundaries, Nature and Infinity.
The extraordinary attributes of textile miniatures were explored through their close ties with the latest trends in contemporary art. The strict size restrictions meant the resulting miniatures served as veritable laboratories revealing the new possibilities presented by artistic textiles. The small scale let artists experiment with complex, intricate techniques and use delicate, ephemeral materials. The huge variety of the artists’ own techniques and fascinating artistic solutions show us that textile miniatures are a fully independent, important genre, full of potential.
Anna Śliwa
Muzeum Miasta Gdyni
ul. Zawiszy Czarnego 1
81-374 Gdynia
Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Fridays \ 10:00 –18:00
Thursdays \ 12:00–20:00
Saturdays, Sundays, holidays \ 10:00–17:00
KULM beschäftigt sich heuer zum dritten Mal mit der Sprache der Materialien. Das Projekt wird mit einer zweiten Ausstellung abgeschlossen. Papier hat das teure Pergament abgelöst, wurde damit massentauglich und so die Grundlage unserer Wissensgesellschaft. Und auch im Computer-zeitalter ist Papier nicht wegzudenken. Im 2. Teil von PAPIER.KARTON.PAPPE geht es um die Schnittstellen der Kunst mit der Wirtschaft. Der Besucher ist aufgefordert selbst die Grenze zwischen reiner Kunst und deren Anwendung im täglichen Leben zu ziehen. Insgesamt werden mehr als 20 Künstler/innen und Aussteller/innen zu sehen sein.
Helga Bansch, Hubert Brandstätter, Maria Dörrer-Metnitzer, Gertraud Enzinger, Beba Fink, Richard Frankenberger, Erich Gruber, Harald Hund, Anna Jenner, Michaela Knittelfelder-Lang, Susanne Kompast, Kuddelmuddel-Theater (Elfriede Scharf), Ulrike Loidl, Dieter H. Plankl, Raiffeisenbank Pischelsdorf-Stubenberg (WERT – Papier), Diana Ranegger, Gottfried Ranegger, Engelbert Reis, Elisabeth Schafzahl, Elisabeth Scharler, Christian Strassegger, Philipp Wegan, Tortu
Vom 24. – 30.September wird das Tortuga-Kollektiv (Adina F. Camby, Robin Klengel, Martin Kollmann, Katharina Pressl, Elisabeth Pressl) im Rahmen von Artist in Residence an einer Kunstbroschüre zum Thema „Die Sprache der Materialien“ im Kulturstock 3 arbeiten. Besucher/innen sind in der Zeit von 16:00 bis 18:00 Uhr gern gesehen.
Tortuga ist ein Kollektiv, das unabhängige, offene und nicht-kommerzielle Zeitschriftenprojekte entwickelt.
Gallery ARKA, Aušros Vartų str. 7, Vilnius (LT)
Chiesa di San Francesco
Miniartextil Como 2017 borderline
Miniartextil is an annual international exhibition of contemporary art showing the best in Textile Art, an art sector with a revolutionary approach to the textile heritage and its
The 27th edition of Miniartextil Como, the exhibition borderline was opened on October 7th in the former Church of San Francesco, Como.
Gertraud Enzinger, Austria wins the Arte&Arte Award for her work both sides now
Installations in and around the Parish Church
cella zelle
Mittlerweile gehören die Netze zum Landschaftsbild.
Optisches Ärgernis, in die Landschaft eingewachsen.
Ein Raster, der Hügel und Täler überzieht,
ihre Geländestufen, Wellen, Rundungen nachzeichnet
aus der Ferne origamiartig exakt gefaltet
aus der Nähe vielgestaltig, mit grafisch reizvollem Linienspiel.
Aus diesem alltäglichen Arbeitsmaterial unserer Gegend
sind Schutzräume, Andachtsräume,
stille Zellen entstanden. Gedankenräume,
Abstandhalter fürs Zusammenleben.
Kokons aus Hagelnetzen, zum Einspinnen und Neuwerden.
Sich rhythmisch überlagernde, transparente,
durch Bearbeitung strukturierte Gewebeschichten -
das grelle, schnelle Leben schichtweise ausgeblendet.
Gertraud+Georg Enzinger
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